Report from NAD 2012
Louisville, KY
July 1st- 8th
July 1st- Arrival at Hyatt Regency Hotel – Nothing else to report
July 2nd
- Meeting to revise the board manual... i.e., Electronic Devices.
Discuss our priorities for motion. For example, our priorities are Deaf Education, protecting Deaf schools, Media, and etc.
All Regions (1-4) discussed their priorities.
We were also discussing the definition of Diversity and we were able to understand the concept of diversity.
July 3rd
- Each region has his own representative.
-General Forum--- This forum allowed all members (non-delegates or delegates) to make their own motion and their statement. The total of motions is about 55. The delegates must discuss the fifty-five motions during the Council of Representatives.
-A few presenters including RID, a lawyer, and others gave us the presentations.
- The President of NAD, Vice President of NAD, and other officers gave us updates and reports.
-We were at the Kentucky Stadium for a Ceremony and Baseball game. The ceremony gave us the chance to meet many people and possible sponsors.
-We had another meeting at 9pm—we were only discussing the 55 motions with our own region. We will vote on choosing which priority shall be in the top ten. The ballot will be done by Friday. We will be returning to discuss on those motions in the next day.
July 4th
55 Priorities will be reduced to Top ten today
Ongoing priority will be referred to the manual for later because NAD already has worked on those ongoing priorities.
General Forum will be taken at 1pm.
Young Luncheon—Gilbert and I were not able to stay there until 1:30pm because we had to go to the General Forum to discuss these new motions. Also, the presenters were not starting until later.
We did have the caucus from 5:15pm to 6:15 to discuss further the motions and President’s reports
Kentucky Cruise--- it will be updated soon
We are able to screen about 55 motions for ongoing motion and new motions. We are able to reduce these motions to 21 motions. We are still discussing these 21 motions for Pro vs. Con for each motion. We vote on these motions for the top ten motions.
July 5th-
-GLBT luncheon—this meeting is very vital for us. This meeting helped us to understand the rights of GLBT people for medical, health, adoption and etc… We need to support the GLBT community as well as Youth community.
- 2:45pm- 3:45pm, candidates will give us their presentations. Each candidate’s information will be provided shortly. The election will be voted tomorrow.
5:15pm- 6:30pm, each Region has their own vote on candidates for the Region. We discussed about our candidate for our region one. Then we decided to have some time to think about our candidates and we will vote tomorrow to select one of our candidates. We also discussed about the clarification on the motions/priorities.
-College Bowl finals (Gally VS RIT VS CSUN)- It was a thrilling, and exciting competition. While Gilbert reported you about these teams and their results, I am proud to be RIT Alumni (But I do love Gally and other teams!).The crowd was great and excited. It was so amazing to see the crowds supporting their own teams. The College Bowl demonstrated how beautiful the Deaf world is!
July 6th- Three motions including HUD, Accountability,
- Bylaws Amendments: Voting on 12 proposals for modifies some words, redefine, and etc…), and three proposals out of 12 proposals officially referred back to Bylaws Committee.
-Ballots on the top ten priorities—voting on the top five out of ten priorities.
-Few delegates have announced about the Stats Academic Trial Placement, and Movies Captions. (The details will be provided soon).
- At 3pm, we have the Election Ballot. We will vote on the candidates for each position such as The President, the Vice President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. We will find out about it and the result will be provided to you in email.
- We have the last competition for the Miss Deaf Pageants which started at 7pm. The winner is MISS DEAF MARYLAND.
July 7th- We had a huge festival called Deaf Festival today. How exciting! Also, we had the Benefit BBQ dinner which was proudly sponsored by ZVRS! Today we do not have any Council of Representative because the Election and motions are in process!
July 8th- We are going home!!!!